Tips for a Healthy Spring Landscape

April begins tomorrow, and any outdoor lover knows that means everything gardening and landscape related is at its prime. The sun is no longer shrouded by dark clouds and the weather is perfect for growing your favorite flowers or vegetables. Many avid gardeners start planning their dream garden months in advance to make sure that everything is perfect. Outdoor Makeover is happy to help all outdoor landscape enthusiasts build their perfect nature oasis but of course there are a few tips that are important to keep in mind before you jump into your landscape design spree. 1) Make sure you don’t plant your flowers or vegetables next to anything that could damage your landscape. Some amateur gardeners will build their flower beds next to areas with poor drainage so instead of your plants absorbing water they end up drowning in mud. It’s best to have your outdoor landscape area updated so that all drainage flows where it needs to. 2) It’s important to consider the space of your outdoor landscape before planning anything too big. While a flower bed may be pleasing to the eye, your backyard space may be better suited for something different. Maybe consider a Japanese water garden with a nice water feature or maybe a nice wreathed arbor. You can do so much with flowers if you use your imagination! 3) Most importantly, you need to make sure that your Atlanta landscape is healthy enough to support a flower or vegetable garden. Many people make the mistake of thinking seeds+soil+water=beautiful garden but they don’t realize that a beautiful garden needs healthy and clean soil to provide the right nutrients. It’s best before planting anything to have a yard restoration or soil removal to ensure that what you put in the ground won’t absorb any harmful toxins. Of course all of us at Outdoor Makeover want our clients to have the best outdoor living area possible, we would never push something on a client that the client didn’t agree upon. Ultimately, it is your outdoor landscape and we want you to be as happy with your choices as possible. Call your Atlanta Landscapers at Outdoor Makeover and Construction today!